Our Vision
We envision A Thriving World For All:
where businesses and people collaborate to live in sustainable balance with the resources of the planet.

Our Mission
To create, facilitate and support innovative projects and individuals dedicated to Building a Thriving World for All,
and to sustainably engage the members of our collective in purposeful, meaningful contribution to our mission.

“We’re building a home for people who believe in humanity’s capacity to be more, to create more,
and to thrive more.”
– Amber Jade, Founder & CEO
About Us

What We Believe

What We Do
We combine art and science to deliver unique transformational experiences that support the evolution toward a Thriving World for All, through:
- Art and Creativity
- Applied Sciences
- Education
- Community
- Just and Sustainable Systems
- Economic Opportunities
- Activism

Do You Belong Here?
If you hope for a world where humanity can live in Thriving balance with each other and the planet…
If you believe in fair, just and sustainable solutions, regardless of race, gender, identity, politics, or religion…
If you believe we have not yet reached our potential, but you want to be part of the journey to embody it…
you belong here.
Our Projects
The Luminaria
Luminaria Sanctuary
Become Luminary
Gamify Anything
TLC Philanthropy

We provide coaching, consulting and mentorship to select social and eco entrepreneurs and organizations on a pro-bono basis.
Our Leadership
Amber Jade is a social innovator, multipreneur, consultant and coach, with a passion for the art and science of mastering the human condition, and for designing systems that change people’s lives, and the world, for the better.
In addition to founding Become Luminary, Amber Jade is the Founder and Lead Innovator for The Luminaria, a community of changemakers and everyday revolutionaries who are dedicated to building a Thriving World For All, and Luminaria Sanctuary, a network of Changemaking Places and Spaces.
She is the inventor of Transformative Human Ecosystems TM and The 4 Forces of Influence TM, thought models that empower individuals and organizations to achieve breakthroughs in influence and human behavior change.
She is also a Certified Business Planner and marketing professional who provides consulting and coaching guidance for businesses and individuals, specializing in the areas of community and culture, influence, marketing, and lifestyle design.
Amber Jade is a singer-songwriter and musician, performance and multi-media artist, who enjoys making fun stuff, music, dance, creativity, spending time in nature and with animals.
Greta Cummings comes to the Luminaria Collective with over 25 years of practical business experience as the Vice President and Owner of an engineering consulting company.
Robert (Bob) Cummings, brings over 30 years of experience as an engineer and 25+ years of business experience as the President and Founder of a geological engineering consulting company.
Bob holds BS and MS degrees in Geological Engineering from the University of Arizona and is registered as a Professional Geological Engineer in Arizona. He is a member of the International Society of Explosives Engineers, the Society of Mining Engineers of AIME, and the Association of Engineering Geologists. He has taught at the University level and has over 20 published technical papers to his credit.
Family Medicine/Environmental Medicine (USA)
Dr. Kristi Mattson graduated from the University of Arizona, College of Medicine in 1979, interned at Mary Imogene Bassett Hospital in Cooperstown, New York; and, was a resident in Emergency Medicine at Truman Medical Center, University of Missouri, Kansas City in 1983. She was an Associate Professor of Medicine at UMKC in Emergency Medicine and at the Goppert Family Practice Program. She is now focused on Environmental Illness, working with patients with Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, Nutritional Deficiencies, Toxicity, Mold Mycotoxicosis, Electrical Hypersensitivity, Lyme and co-infections. She volunteers support for trauma survivors and is active in the community as an advisor to the Human Ecology Action League of Southern Arizona (HEAL) based in Tucson, Arizona.

Hawaii Branch
200 N Vineyard Blvd
Suite A325 #A1-499
Honolulu, HI 96817-3950
Mainland USA Branch:
Tucson, AZ USA
+ 1 503 567 8252